Wednesday, April 27, 2011


My network has changed the way I learn in so many ways, especially since becoming a Walden Educational Technology student. Walden has forced me to go outside my "comfort zone" and Skype for the first time in my life. It's a fun adventure learning differently by collaborating virtually vs. face-to-face which is what I was accustomed to before Walden. While I used to learn by reading and highlighting textbooks, and using Google to find all my reference materials, now I learn by watching podcasts and reading scholarly articles. Before Walden, I had never learned by reading blogs or wikis, which now I do regularly. My ways of learning have really changed immensely since becoming a Walden University student.

The digital tools that best facilitate learning for me are videos. I am a visual learner and need to "see" what is going on. I learned how to use my classroom Mimio tool through watching an instructional video. As a Walden student I also learn a lot from the resource videos that include real-life teacher experiences in them. In addition, this year I have begun using as a great digital tool for Science. Lastly, I have learned quite a bit from researching websites, like, that help guide educational technology teachers/students in their learning.

Learners learn new knowledge best when they ask critical thinking questions. When I have questions, the best way I learn new knowledge is by completing a web search for my answer. I am careful to read only trusted resources. In addition to completing web searches, I learn new knowledge by communicating with my instructors and Walden professionals. I frequent Walden's Live Chat frequently, inquiring on new information. This helps me get my answers quick and retain the learning for the next time the situation arises.  


  1. Sorry the graphics are so BIG! I tried to make them smaller without any luck! :(

  2. I also love learning with videos. When doing things around the house, I always search for videos beforehand. It is one thing to read instructions, but actually seeing someone do it makes all the difference in the world for me. I have incorporated videos in my desktop publishing classes for many reasons. One reason was to teach students about editing, but the most important reason was to allow students to hear themselves speak and let them see their mannerisms. I can talk to them all day long, but seeing is believing. Plus, the fun in learning with videos surpasses all other methods.

    By the way what is Mimio and what is it used for in your classroom?


  3. Lauren,
    I LOVE your network graphic. That is such an awesome picture!

    When I started Walden, I also started teaching at a school that has high expectations for technology use. I have to admit, the first year was a WILD ride. Now, I am not sure how I would do many of the things that I am doing in the classroom without the use of technology.

    How do you balance your use with not being overwhelmed with technology? Does your network help support you with this?


  4. I agree with Walden, it has made my network bigger. I have enjoued exploring the new connections. Your network is amazing and very interesting.
